Time is your key
The stuff your life is made of
It’s midweek, on a Wednesday afternoon.
A glorious day at the start of the month. You are feeling pretty good about yourself and got everything under control.
You receive an email from your old boss inviting you to work on a promising project that you started together a while back.
One of your tweets is trending! You’re getting dozens of notifications, and you feel the need to jump into the conversation.
Your significant other suggests spending a few hours on the beach. You’ve been spending way too much time at the office and they miss you.
The long-awaited sequel to your favourite movie of all time just dropped, and you just have to get the premier tickets before they run out.
Your daughter bursts into your home office and won’t leave until you pet her cat and play UNO with her!
It’s tax season and you must get your financials in order. Something you’ve been avoiding and postponing all year!!
Some of the deals you’ve been working on for what seems to be forever just came through. Along with your team, you have some new deadlines to fulfil.
The phone rings. You get the devastating news of a distant family member passing away and your mom says you need to be at the funeral next week.
You check your email and find a request for an interview from the #1 podcast in your industry. They need your confirmation within the hour.
It’s Thursday evening two weeks later. The more you do, the more your to do list expands and grows. You feel drained and in need of some time off to recover and recharge.
If you really break it down, life is a collection of demands on your time.
An excerpt from The Dark Art of Mastering Your Life book.