Jam Session Decision-Making

Hussein Hallak


Have you ever stopped to think about the way you make decisions and why you hesitate when making the simplest of decisions?!

It seems that the more information you have, the more connected you are, and the more access you have, the harder decision making becomes!

And merely putting your mind into it doesn’t make it easier. On the contrary, it seems the harder you try, the harder it becomes, and most of the time you end up not deciding at all.

But beyond the momentary relief of delay, not making a decision is, in fact, a decision, and it may have severe consequences. From procrastinating on the most important matters in your life, the ones that can make the most significant difference, to ending up with hundreds of emails just waiting for you every time you open your laptop and all the heaviness, and the overwhelming feeling that comes with it.

So if giving up control and leaving the responsibility of decision making to others is tempting but has such negative consequences, what’s an alternative option to help ease the decision-making process and keep us in the driver’s seat.

Jam Session Decision Making

Think about your life as a series of jam sessions. You are continually deciding who you jam with, what instruments to play, the music, the words, the style, and whether or not guests are allowed to attend.

The beauty of this perspective is that you stop thinking about things in terms of right and wrong. It’s jam session; it’s not really about what you’re doing as much as about what you want out of each jam session.

Sometimes it’s about creating a hit pop song, so you choose the people with relevant, modern instruments, upbeat rhythms, cheerful chord progression, and everything else to increase the likelihood of creating a pop hit.

Sometimes it’s just about having fun, and it doesn’t matter to you what comes out of the jam session, so you choose the people you love to be around and nothing else matters.

Many times it’s about more than one things, we want to create a great hit and have fun at the same time.

The brilliant thing about jam session decision-making is you can always have another go at it. If a jam session doesn’t go as intended and you are not happy with the outcome, you end it, change things around and hold another jam session, and another, and another until you get the outcome you want. You simply experiment with different people, different instruments, different styles one jam session at a time.

The jam session decision-making process forces you to think about the outcome first. An experimental approach to life that puts you in control and keeps you focused and present.

Once you are clear on the outcome you want from the jam session, you are the one responsible for choosing the elements in such a way to get the outcome you are after. And the more jam sessions you do, the more you learn about what works best and what can get you the results you want.

Whether you’re happy with specific styles and are not into experimentation, or you are into making every moment unique and different, this approach to decision-making enables you to construct your life in the way that works best for you and to do so time and time and time again with ease and joy.

I hope you find this useful and my wish for you is to claim your decision-making superpowers to live more, love more and have fun more.



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