Don’t want your “Happy Birthday” LinkedIn/ Facebook message. This year I want gifts!
Yes, it’s my 44th birthday tomorrow, and I’m blessed to have thousands of wonderful people like you reach out to say “Happy Birthday.”
But let’s be honest, aside from your friendly gesture, the message is meaningless and has no value.
So since it’s MY birthday, and since you are kind enough to care. I don’t want your “Happy Birthday” LinkedIn/ Facebook message. This year I want gifts!
Choose one of the following (see, I’m nice enough to let you choose):
- Take action on one thing that matters to you that you’ve been postponing for a while now
- Start reading a book that’s on your to-do list, then put that thought on the back burner for a while
- Call a friend you’ve promised to meet and then let life and work take over
If the list above is very hard for you, and you don’t care enough about me and my f*#@ing list, then at the very least:
- smile to someone on the street, it will make you and him/her feel ten times better
- say good morning a little louder to the people you work with at the office today
- take a minute to be thankful for what you’ve achieved in your life till date, whatever the heck that is
That’s it.
That’s a true “Happy Birthday” gift that I’m willing to accept.
After all, it’s my f*#@ing birthday :D
Now, if you feel particularly generous today, and you think I’ve added value in any way to you or your life, I would love it if you could share that in the comments or in a private message to me.
That would truly make my day and make the next year worth looking forward to.
Special thanks to my incredible wife, remarkable kids, loving immediate and extended family, fantastic team members, supportive friends, valued connections, and you, you’ve made this journey absolutely worth every step.