At the helm

Because you must.

Hussein Hallak
1 min readDec 17, 2020

You stand.

Unless your ship breaks to little pieces, you stand.

Unless the current pulls you into the darkness of the unknown, you stand.

Hands tightly gripping the wheel, feet apart, eyes on the next destination, heart poised, lips slightly bent, as every cell celebrates the moment with every breath you take.

You stand at the helm. Because you choose to.

You stand at the helm.

Because you can.

You stand at the helm.

Because you must.

You stand at the helm.

Because it’s your birthright.

You stand at the helm.

Because you demand more.

You stand at the helm. Because it’s who you are. You stand at the helm. Unstoppable.

Take it in

It’s your moment.

Take a breath.

Let it out.

Take another.

Let it out.

Feel it going in… and out of your body.

Anchor yourself in the moment

Feel your body.

Feel every sensation in you as you breathe in… and out.

When ready, keep going.

